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noise immunity中文是什么意思

用"noise immunity"造句"noise immunity"怎么读"noise immunity" in a sentence


  • 抗干扰度
  • 抗拢性
  • 抗扰度,抗扰性
  • 抗声扰性
  • 抗噪声性
  • 抗噪性
  • 无噪声干扰


  • Noise immunity is the maximum amplitude of noise .
  • The high clock frequency requirements will have to be weighed against the need for tighter design criteria that ensure high noise immunity .
  • Ir drop on power grid may decrease switching speed and noise immunity of the circuits . it may even cause the circuit to fail
  • Experimental results show this algorithm improves noise immunity of bam greatly . at the same time , eprbam does not depend on learning parameters and can get global optimal solution
  • Coaxial cable - a type of cable used for broadband data and cable systems , with excellent broadband frequency characteristics , noise immunity and physical durability
  • Compared with several conventional edge detectors , the proposed algorithm has better noise immunity and performance on edge detection of infrared image with large noise and blurry edge
  • Dft method can be fast implemented on dsp platform by the use of fft algorithm , while the method of cyclic correlation has better noise immunity performance and high estimation accuracy
  • Saturating logic draws large fast current spikes from its supply during switching and , having noise immunity of hundreds of millivolts or more , has little need of high levels of supply decoupling
    晶体管在开关过程中会流过短暂的大电流(带来噪声) ,但是数字电路的噪声容限可达数百毫伏,所以对电源去耦的要求不高。
  • However , it has unsolved disadvantages up to present time , such as poor noise immunity in low flux , low interference immunity and adhesion of the sensor surface that affects the meter sensitivity
  • The small size , high noise immunity , and large dynamic range of the proprietary mangeto - inductive magnetic sensors make them ideal for high volume compass or magnetic sensor applications , especially integration into consumer products
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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